
We can support the ambitions of all rowers at all levels. We have sections for learners, for social rowers, and for competitive rowers at many different levels. We also have capability and experience to support some children with different physical needs.

Hills Rd M1 at Wallingford Regatta
George celebrating in a 1x

Providing we have space and the right coaching resources we aim to welcome anyone in Year 7 or above who wants to row. We currently have around 100 Junior members. We take exceptional care to coach in a way that recognises the emotional, physical and mental health needs of our Juniors. We recognise the importance of providing positive role models, positive social interactions, and of being part of a supportive community.

If you want to join or learn more about our junior squads, contact our junior development coordinator.

What kind of rower do you want to be?

We can support the ambitions of all rowers at all levels. We have sections for learners, for social rowers, and for competitive rowers at many different levels. We also have capability and experience to support some children with different physical needs.

Learn to row, completing a more challenging excercise!

Cantabs has an excellent track record in providing the first experience of rowing for numerous Juniors who go on to become lifetime rowers. A large majority of our older juniors started with Cantabs following our annual learn to row course. After leaving school many go on to join our senior squads, or to row at university and beyond.

The Learn to Row course runs for four mornings in the Easter school holidays (date to be announced) We also have a session group set aside for early-stage rowers. Juniors who have completed a learn to row course elsewhere are invited to take a short assessment to see where they might fit within our session groups, space permitting.

Our early stage programs help Juniors decide what level of rowing they would like to commit to. Juniors work their way down from larger boats Octupules (8 rowers, two sculling blades each), to Quads (4 rowers) then to doubles (2 rowers) and then to single sculls.

This progression from larger to smaller boats is an essential part of our program. The next step might seem daunting, but Juniors can progress at their own pace (although we do sometimes encourage Juniors to take a step out of their comfort zone!)

Stake Boat
Progression squad, ready to go!

After completing the learn to row stages Juniors are invited to join the Progression squad. This squad meets weekly, training in a full range of boats; singles, doubles, coxed and coxless quads

Squad members are expected to try coxing at least once, and hopefully be willing to cox on multiple occasions.

Whilst racing is not obligatory, squad members will be invited to race. Race objectives are set to match the ability of the rower. At this level generally this is to simply take part and experience what happens in a race. So the brief at this level is often to ‘stay safe and have fun’ !

Working on technique at Cambridge Rowing Tank

The Development squad is the next step up from the Progression quad. Juniors are invited to join this squad when they are confident in a range of boats and seats, can row continuously with good technique for 500 metres, can steer a single or a double, cox, and they maintain good attendance.

Development squad members row twice on weekends.

Celebrating success at National Schools regatta

Generally J15 - J18 Juniors younger than J16, with particular ambition and ability, are frequently given the opportunity to train with a Performance Squad.

Performance squad members are expected to train twice at weekends, and are invited to attend regular weights and erg (rowing machine) sessions. There is also a weekly circuit training session which is open to all Junior members.

Juniors unable to travel to the club for an evening training session are expected to do alternative exercise, as laid out in a weekly training plan.

Cantabs’ Performance Squads have an enviable record of achievement racing at local and national level. These include significant wins and achievements at Henley, National Schools Regatta, and British Rowing Championships. Plus wins and high placing at virtually every local and many regional regattas.

Juniors looking to realise their potential in a competitive environment, to train at a higher level and be part of an ambitious performance squad are invited to try out for a place in these squads. Rowing ability is one criteria for acceptance. Equal importance is to motivation, enthusiasm, and having the time to train hard both on and off the water.

In all our squads the safety and well-being of our Juniors is paramount. This is of particular importance in performance squads where we take extra care to ensure Juniors achieve the right balance between safe training, racing, resting, and nutrition.