
Senior men celebrate their wins at Peterborough
Senor men celebrate their wins at Peterborough
M1 rowing over in Bumps
M1 row over in bumps

There are several squads at Cantabs with a range of training levels to suit all aspirations. Additionally, those wanting to pursue their own training have access to an extensive fleet of single sculls.

To join, ask questions, or organise a trial session get in contact with our men's captain.

Learn more about our squads

The Senior Men aim to be competitive at a local and national level, regularly qualifying crews for Henley Royal Regatta and competing at events such as the Tideway Heads, Metropolitan and Marlow Regatta, as well as local events such as the Fairbairn Cup and the Town Bumps.

The squad rows four days per week - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings, and Sunday evenings. This is supplemented by additional ergo and weights training. The Men’s squad is led by Head Coach Harry Michalakakis, supported by Nick Acock (CUBC lightweight coach). To find out more and arrange a trial session, email the Men’s Captain.

The Cantabs Performance Masters are open to anyone of a Masters age (27+) seeking to train and race competitively. They train on the water twice a week, with additional land training sessions. The squad aims to be among the leading men’s masters crew in the region, and regularly attend events such as Henley, European and World Masters. If you would like to find out more, please email the Men’s Captain or lower boats representative

The mixed masters squads contain a range of ages and experiences, from those who have rowed for decades to newcomers to the sport. They train at varying times, with something to suit all availabilities and commitment levels.