Town Bumps 2022 Day 3 - The final day

Town Bumps 2022 Day 3 - The final day
Town Bumps 2022 Day 3 - The final day

The final day of 2022's shortened version of Town Bumps saw more action, with Cantabs coming out on top by winning the John Jenner trophy for the first time and W1 finishing as Head of the River, whilst M1 suffered the agony of getting overlap on Nines M1 at Head of the River, but running out of water to make the bump.

Women's Divisions

Town Bumps 2022 Day 3 - The final day
Town Bumps 2022 Day 3 - The final day

Women's Division 3 kicked off proceedings with plenty of bumping, with W9 ('COGS') bumping Chesterton W3, W11 (Junior Squad) bumping City W9 and W14 (Racks Out) bumping City W11 whilst the other Cantabs crews rowed over.

In Division 2, there was less action with only W6 (Senior Women) bumping, finally taking Chesterton W2 after 2 days where a blocked river and too-fast bumps ahead of them saw them rowing over. All other crews rowed over.

Division 1 was also quiet, with W2-4 (Senior Women) all rowing over, with W1 enjoying another comfortable row over as Head of the River. Furthermore, the results saw 4 of the top 6 crews in Division 1 being Cantabs crews. The Cantabs women finished a phenomenal +19 for the week, higher than the climb of any other club, even including both men's and women's crews.

Men's Divisions

Town Bumps 2022 Day 3 - The final day
Town Bumps 2022 Day 3 - The final day

There was one bump in Men's Division 3 on the last day of bumps, as M9 (Past Masters) funally got a bump by bumping St Neots M2. M10 (Hunter Crew) rowed over behind them, whilst M11 (Invetereight) suffered a bump by Nines M7.

Division 2 saw row-overs for all crews except M8 (Poachers) who were bumped back by X-Press M3, who they had bumped the day before.

In the first division, M3 (Hills Road) suffered a bump by City M1, with the remaining crews rowing over. M1 had another good row, proving for the 3rd day that they were faster than Nines M1 at Head of the River. However, in Town Bumps this isn't enough, and Cantabs M1 suffered the agony of getting overlap on Nines towards the finish, but not by enough to make a bump. They will no-doubt be back next year with a goal in mind!


Cantabs finished a combined +19 for the week and, for the first time in the club's history, won the John Jenner Trophy. This is awarded to the club which makes, on average, the highest number of bumps per crew. It is usually awarded to smaller clubs, but this year the climb enjoyed by the 25 Cantabs crews secured the win.

Thank you to the race organisers for a great week, and to all club members and supporters who were able to help with volunteering slots so that the race could run.